Pisum Genetics volumes 20 - 30 Subject Index

a-amylase inhibitor 26:3
Agrobacterium 21:16; 26:1,6
Atkin, John 29:48
Allele frequency 24:38
- Am1 29:44
- branching mutants 29:1,7
- Bt and Orig 29:36
- Coch 24:82
- Het 24:82
- Le 23:29
- Lf 23:16
- Lka 24:69
- Lv 24:86
- Ls 28:15
- Nod4 29:40
- Non-allelism between K24 and sym19 30:30
- Pet and Apu 22:66
- Red 29:44
- St 24:13
- Vip-1, Vip-2 28:24
Amino acids 26:4
- axil color 21:32
- genes 21:35; 22:59
- pigment pattern 27:1
Aphanomyces eutreiches
- DNA marker 26:11
- occurrence in Sweden 30:5
- tolerant germplasm 20:20; 21:82; 27:29
Ascochyta pisi 20:54; 28:8
- screening (new technique) 21:29
Atrazine resistance 21:12
Auxin 26:13
Axil color (pale) 21:32
Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus 25:34; 27:20; 28:31
Bees 20:3
Biographies and obituaries
- Atkin, John 29:48
- Blixt, Stig 30:cover,inside cover
- Lehman, C.O. 24:3
- Marx, G.A. 21:4
- Tsuchiya, T. 24:3
Biparental inheritance of plastid DNA 20:5
Black spot resistance 28:6
Blixt, Stig 30:cover,inside cover
- genetics 24:17; 29:1,7
- phenotypes 24:25-29
Brazil: dry pea production 21:85
- field peas 28:5
- for disease resistance 20:20,40,56; 21:82
- program at Versailles 29:7
Bruchus pisorum 20:3; 24:37; 26:1; 28:6,10
Carbon dioxide levels in pods 21:7
Carotenoids 26:19
Chi square test, evaluation of 27:31
Chiasma frequency 26:29
Chromosome 2 27:23
Chromosome 6 27:23
- assignment of linkage groups to 21:19; 25:1, 28:4; 30:4
Codominant expression at Bt 29:34
Colchicine 27:9
- Gottschalk collection 25:72
- Marx Pisum genetic stocks collection 23:53
- Pisum Genetics Stocks Centre 24:92
- Turkey germplasm collection 22:97
- USDA Pisum germplasm collection 23:53
- VIR-USSR Pisum collection 23:54
Combining Linkage Group IA and LGII 27:12
Common root rot 20:20; 26:11; 30:5
- effect of A allele on 30:8
Consensus linkage map 30:2
Cotyledon color 20:21
Cyanide-resistant pathway 20:8
Cytogenetics 25:1; 27:9
Cytology 20:5,10
- European 23:54
- pGene 22:99
- at Tl locus 26:16
Disease resistance breeding 21:82
- black spot 28:6
- effect of heat shock 22:12
- common root rot 20:20; 26:11; 30:15
- response 22:12
- virus 22:43
- wilt 20:40; 21:69; 24:52
- plastid 20:5
- sequence, PCR clone 27:17
Dry pea production (Brazil) 21:85
Electrophoresis 20:16,42,52; 21:65,68; 22:54,75; 24:59; 27:5; 29:27
Endomycorrhizal association 25:22; 30:30
- PCR primers for 25:32
Erectoid phenotypes (allelism tests) 21:43
Female sterility 20:26
Field peas
- breeding in Australia 20:54
- breeding in Poland (review) 22:92
- electrophoretic analysis 20:16
- registration in Canada 20:57
Floral abnormalities 20:26; 25:15
- early (genetic basis) 20:39;24:32
- genes (interactions) 21:44
- genes in pea (review) 22:78
- separation of genotypes 21:37
- time of 28:7
Fusarium solani 22:12
- branching 24:17
- early flowering 24:32
- line with Pur pu 24:92
- tissue interactions 26:13
- collection in Turkey 22:97
- Gottschalk collection 25:72
- Gritton collection 27:29
- lines with genotype Pur pu 24:92
- Marx collection 23:53
- multiple disease resistant 30:33
- multiviral resistance 23:50
Gibberellins 23:29; 24:70; 25:53
- biosynthetic pathway 28:16
Gottschalk, W.
- Pisum collection 25:72
Gritton, Earl (retirement) 30:34
Guard cells isolation from argenteum mutant 22:55
Halotydeas destructor 28:10
Hammarlund’s K-line 25:2,18
Heat shock 22:12
Heat tolerance 21:20
Helicoverpa punctigera 28:10
Histones 21:63
Hormones 26:6,18
Hypernodulation 27:21
Index: vol. 15-19 20:60
Insect resistance 24:37
Insect visitors 20:3
Internode length 20:28; 22:6; 23:29,45
- extremely long 21:48
- genotype of Gottschalk’s mutant 22:48
- interaction of loci 22:50
- phenotype 24:64,83
- shortened below node of flower initiation 22:22
Intragenic recombination 25:53
Introgression of P. fulvum satellite 21:10
Inversion on Linkage Group I 27:5
- loci (polymorphic) 20:46
- new loci on Linkage Group II 22:75
John Innes: pea program (review) 22:87
Lamprecht’s linkage groups 22:62
- abnormalities 21:57
- edge necrosis 24:16
- interaction of Af, Tl, Uni 21:33; 28:22
Leaflet dentation
- inheritance 28:18
Legumin 22:52
Le hemoglobin cluster 22:69
Lehman, C.O. 24:3
Linkage 20:9,12,22,26,29,35,37,43,53; 21:34,64,67,72,74,76,81; 22:39,53,63,65,66,68,69,73,77; 23:15,17,24,39,41,43; 24:10,15,45,50,53,55,58,80; 25:17,25,30,33,37,40,43,45,47; 26:10, 24,27,28,32,42; 27:2,21,22,24,26,31; 28:13,19,29,32; 29:18,21,22,24,26,33,35,39,41,46; 30:10,13,23,24,26
- conservation of 26:38
- group assignment to chromosomes 21:19; 25:1; 28:4; 30:4
- map 23:cover; 25:cover,4,5; 28:1; 30:1
- mapping guidelines 24:91; 25:13
Linkage group
- I 25:23,27,40; 26:26; 27:5
- IA 27:12; 28:2; 29:44
- II 22:75; 27:12; 29:20,22
- III 23:40; 24:54; 25:32,36; 26:24,31; 29:39
- IV 30:25
- V 25:43,46; 27:21; 29:18,36
- VI 20:25,34; 22:71; 23:38; 25:17; 26:41; 27:22
- VII 20:10; 24:44; 25:42
- combining LGIA and LGII 27:12
Locus symbol change (Plmv) 23:56
- ASAP for Mo 28:31
- list of 25:8
- Sbm1 23:42
Marx, G.A. 21:cover,4
Marx Pisum genetic stocks collection 23:53
Meetings 28:iii; 29:iii
Meloidogyne hapla 20:41
Micro- vs. macromutations 21:55
Multiple disease resistance 23:50; 27:20; 30:33
Mutagenic treatment: response of polygenic traits 21:59
Mutations 20:14; 23:38
- chlorophyll 20:9,24; 23:14,44; 25:17; 26:18,26
- cochleata 20:26
- costata 20:36
- embryo morphology 25:69
- flower 20:39; 23:16,35; 24:32; 25:15; 26:21; 29:24,39,42
- hormone sensitivity 26:6
- internode 23:29; 24:64,86
- leaf 21:57; 25:27; 30:22
- Lf locus 25:16
- Ls locus 28:15
- micro- vs. macro- 21:55
- micromutations selection efficiency 21:61
- pod 23:55
- ruinous 20:38
- seed 25:64; 26:39
- somaclonal 21:5; 22:15; 20:32; 21:32; 25:22,45
- St locus 24:13
- symbiotic 26:24,36; 30:27,28
- wax 24:60
Mycosphaerella pinodes resistance 20:55; 28:6
Native budworm 28:10
Nectary 20:3
Nitrogen fixation 20:32; 21:31; 24:5
- bibliography 22:101
Nodulation 27:21
Nodule development 24:5
- isozyme 20:44
- locus and allele 30:31
Non-synteny of A and D 25:23
Nucleolar organizer region 24:44
- distribution within pod 30:29
P53 tumor suppressor gene 27:14
Pale axil color 21:32
Parthocarpic pods 22:11
Pea Enation Mosaic Virus 27:20
Pea production, dry (Brazil) 21:85
Pea Seed-borne Mosaic Virus 20:30; 27:20
- effect of eradication on genetic diversity 22:46
- non-ELISA-detectable infection 21:26
Pea transformation
- review 26:1,6
Pea leaf weevil 23:10
Pea weevil 20:3; 24:37; 26:1; 28:6,10
Peanut Stunt Virus 25:34
- bip 24:90
- branching 24:25-29
- bulbosus 25:28
- det 24:75
- Dne 23:35
- erectoid 21:43
- flowering 23:20
- internode length 24:64:83
- lathyroides 29:42
- obscuratum 30:29
- orange pod 22:25
- rugosus mutants 25:67
- reduced 29:45
- semi-erectoides 22:6,8
- slender 22:10
- slender semi-erectoids 22:9
- toothed leaves 22:64
- unstable 29:27
Phoma medicaginis 20:40,55; 28:8
Phytochrome 23:44
Pisum fulvum 20:2; 21:10; 22:25; 24:37; 26:38; 27:1; 28:10
Pisum sativum 20:2
- ssp. abyssinicum 20:2; 28:18
- ssp. asiaticum 24:37; 26:31; 27:6
- ssp. elatius 20:2; 21:29,63; 22:97; 24:37; 27:5
- ssp. humile 22:97; 24:37; 30:28
- ssp. jomardii 21:29
- ssp. syriacum 21:63; 22:60; 24:37; 25:27; 27:5
- ssp. transcaucasicum 24:37
Pisum collections/databases
- DNA: maternal inheritance 22:41
- genesis 26:19
Plastid-specific proteins 20:42
- permeability 22:29
- rehydration 22:29
- string formation (genetics) 23:55
Poland: field pea breeding (review) 22:92
Pollen 27:5
- sterility 21:14
Poly A+ RNA 25:34
Polymerase Chain Reaction 27:14
Powdery mildew 20:40
Precocious germination 28:24
- effect of common root rot on content 30:6
- from pollen 27:5
- seed 20:16
Protoplasts: purification 22:55
Pur pu genotype line 24:92
Quadrivalent formation 27:9
“Rabbit-eared” rogue types 20:18
- within locus 26:34
Redlegged earth mite 28:10
Repetitive DNA 27:14
Reproductive nodes, number 24:77
Response to daylength 20:28
Retrotransposon 27:14
- breeding field peas for W. Australia 28:5
- field pea breeding in Poland 22:92
- flowering genes in pea 22:78
- John Innes pea program 22:87
- symbiosis genes 24:5
- winter hardiness 23:4
Rhizobium 20:32; 25:22
RNA-mediated protein synthesis
- effect of viruses on 25:34
Satellite chromosome 20:13; 21:10
Scanning Electron Microscopy
- callus cells 26:13
Sclerotinia infection 23:11
- abnormalities(PSbMV-like symptoms) 21:23
- albumin K9 21:63
- coat brightness 20:25
- development 25:53
- longevity 25:54
- longevity in storage 21:41
- protein 20:16
- improving quality
- surface patterns 20:cover
- viability in storage 30:15
Segregation 20:9,12,22,35,36,43,52; 21:34,36,64,67,72,74,76,81; 22:6,16,38,59,62,66,72,76; 23:15,17,4124:15,19,50,53,58,78; 25:17; 26:9; 27:2,8,22,27; 29:2; 30: 22,24,25
Sitona lineatus 23:10
Somoclonal variation 21:5; 23:19
- influence of X-rays on 21:77
- inheritance of flowering mutants 22:15
Standard genes for mapping 25:14
Symbiosis 20:32; 25:22; 30:27,28
- genes (review) 24:5
Synaptonemal complex 21:52
Teaching aids 21:86
Temperature stress
- High: survival of genotypes 22:21
- artificial 27:cover,9
Tetraploidy 20:14
Tissue culture 21:5,12,77; 23:19; 26:6,13,23
- effect of Lf alleles on 24:40
Thrips 20:3
Transformation 21:16
Translocation 20:10; 24:48; 25:1,5,18,39,71; 27:23
- breakpoint 26:9
- Hammarlund 30:4
Transposable elements 29:30
Trellises (evaluation of) 22:18
Trisomics 24:49; 25:18; 26:29
- desynaptic effect on 26:29
Trypsin inhibitor 21:66
Tsuchiya, T. 24:3
Twisted tendrils 24:48
USDA Pisum germplasm collection 23:53
Vavilovia formosa 22:5
- germination 22:5
Versailles breeding program 29:7
- minor polypeptide 26:31
VIR-USSR Pisum collection 23:54
Virus resistance
- chromosomal distribution of genes 23:26
- gene clusters 22:43
Water congestion 22:32
- effect of flowering on 22:36
- effect of St on 22:32
Wax composition 29:15
Winter hardiness (review) 23:4
X-irradiation 20:14
Yield 20:18; 28:6
- comparison of foliage genotypes 22:18
- effect of common root rot on 30:6