Oeneis tarpeia (Pallas, 1771).
Range: SE Europe, the southern and central Ural, the southern Siberia, the Tarbagatai and Dzhungarian Alatau Mts., Mongolia, N China.
ssp.: tarpeia (Pallas, 1771) - monotypical.
A female in the morniong, with her wings closed, that is very rarely observed, on and inflorescence of Goniolimon speciosum.

Russia, Siberia, Krasnoyarskii Krai Province, Sharypovo District, 5 km NNE of v. Parnaya, 55o19'N 89o16'E, alt. 500-600 m, meadowy steppe on southern slope, birch/larch forest edges. 1/VII 2000. O. Kosterin

Ареал: ЮВ Европа, южный и центральный Урал, юг Сибири, Тарбагатай и Джунгарский Алатау, Монголия, С Китай.
ssp.: tarpeia (Pallas, 1771) - монотипический вид.

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