Oeneis nanna (Menetries, 1859).

As different from males shown on other pictures, which strictly keep to a dry stony slope, the females can often be found in less dry neighbouring habitats among the grass. They have a more marbled hind wing underside.

Range: the mountains of S Siberia, the Prilenskoe Plateau, E Siberia (except for the extreme North), Upper and Middle Priamurye, West Primorye, Mongolia, NE. China. A local species, more common in the eastern range and rare in the west (Altai).

A meadowy SW slope of a ridge between the headwaters of the Chikty Rivulet, 2700 m above sea level, the southern principle slope of the Yuzhno-Chuiskii mountain range, the upper Dzhazator River basin, Kosh-Agach District, Altai Republic, West SIberia, Russia. 10th July 1998. O. Kosterin.

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