Satyrus ferula (Fabricius, 1793) - Great Sooty Satyr.
As many Satyrids do, this one is resting on a stone in its habitat: a barren stony slope.
Range: the arid and semiarid zones from Western Europe and N Africa to Central Asia and the Amurland.
ssp.: liupiuschani O. Bang-Haas, 1933; range: E Mongolia, S Transbaikalia, N China.
A male; wings closed.
A rocky southern slope of a piedmont hill of the mountain Gydyrgun on the northern bank of Lake Zun-Torei, Onon District, SE Chita Province (Dahuria), Transbaikalia, Siberia, Russia. 13th July 1996. O. Kosterin.
Ареал: аридная и семиаридная зоны от Западной Европы и Северной Африки до Приамурья и Центральной Азии.
ssp.: liupiuschani O. Bang-Haas, 1933; ареал: В. Монголия, Ю. Забайкалье, С. Китай.

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