Euphydryas intermedia (Menetries, 1859) (= Euphydryas ichnea (Boisduval, 1832), probably the valid name) Asian Fritillary.

Range: the Alps, Ural, the subzones of middle and southern taiga of Siberia, the mountains of S Siberia, the Far East, the Sakhalin, Mongolia, NE China, N Korea.

ssp: altaica Seitz, 1908; range: Ural, West Siberia, Altai Mts.

A female, wings open

Dwarf birsh (Betula rotundifolia) thickets on the left bank of the Dzhazator River in its upper flow, between the falls of its right tributaries Chikty and Akbul, 2000 m above sea level, Kosh-Agach District, Altai Republic, West Siberia, Russia. 19th July 1998. O. Kosterin.

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