Brenthis ino (Rottemburg, 1775) (= Neobrenthis ino) - Lesser Marbled Fritillary.
Range: the non-tropical Euroasia, north to the middle taiga zone.
ssp.: paidicus Fruhstorfer, 1907; range: the Altai Mts.
wings closed.
A long forb meadow at an edge of a riparian spruce forest on the Koksu River left bank few km upstream of its mouth, 1600 m above sea level, 12 km W of the village Dzhazatr, Kosh-Agach District, Central Altai Mts., West Siberia, Russia. 26th July, 1988. Oleg Kosterin.

Ареал: внетропическая Евразия на север до средней тайги.
ssp.: paidicus Fruhstorfer, 1907; ареал: Алтайские горы.

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